We carry out the comprehensive project management, starting with the design, the technical project and the monitoring of the works.

Second occupation
Energy certificate
Certificate of seniority
Unused local certificate
Activity license
Tourist Licence

Nuestros diseños siempre deben atender a condicionantes funcionales, técnicos y normativos, para ello cada proyecto se estudia de forma concienzuda para que resulte útil, funcional y atractivo.
La creatividad siempre debe ir unida a un buen análisis técnico para encontrar la mejor solución.
El estudio de los detalles es esencial para poder crear un diseño de calidad, duradero y confortable para el propietario.
Para ello siempre estamos actualizandonos y estudiando las ultimas novedades del mercado, para poder encontrar la mejor respuesta a los desafíos que se nos plantean.
At Iconic Studio we always look for generate creative responses creating unique places and objects.
Surprising the client with a good solution that exceeds their first expectations is essential for us.
Where the project is located is essential to creating the best possible solution. We always study the guidelines to knowas adapt from a climatic point of view and thus promote the sustainability of the whole.
Jointly designing interior and exterior spaces is the best way to create comfortable and attractive spaces for the person who is going to inhabit them.
The art of converting ideas and thoughts into material objects is a process in which we like to get involved down to the last detail.